
"You don't get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour."

Jim Rohn

The Blocs Marketing

At the Blocs, we work with each other, not just next to each other. We connect businesses with the most innovative, creative minds to design a unique edge for your brand.

Website Development

Our team of web developers work with you to build engaging, easy-to-use websites.

Social Media Management

We manage social platforms to help you get in front of current and future clients.

Targeted Advertising

We can reach 50,000+ people with one ad campaign.

Graphic Design

Expand your visual brand and build brand recognition.

Photography & Videography

Display your business in an appealing and engaging way.

Data Analytics Tracking

Track exactly how your customer is using your product.

Silver Bloc

Monthly Photoshoot

Social Media Management

Level 1 Website Development

Gold Bloc

Silver Bloc

Targeted Ad Campaigns

Level 2 Website Development

Platinum Bloc

Gold Bloc

Live and Graphic Video

Level 3 Website Development

Diamond Bloc

Platinum Bloc

Email Marketing

Social Sales Automation